July 28 – Aug 4
Ages 13 – 15
Thistle Pond
A Journey of Connection and Discovery
The summer immersion provides a nurturing environment for young people to navigate life’s transitions, while fostering personal growth and resilience. Together, we’ll celebrate life passages, exploring relationships with each other, the more than human world, and our ancestral lineages.
Experienced facilitators guide participants in developing an ecocentric perspective, encouraging self-expression and the discovery of unique gifts to benefit themselves, their communities, and the planet. Participants will be offered invitations to encounter and express the full range of emotions they experience and reflect on aspects of childhood that may feel incomplete, while dreaming into a life-affirming future for themselves, our species, and the planet. Programming emphasizes nurturing inner resources, creativity, cultivating a deep sense of belonging and knowing one’s place in the web of human community and the more than human world.
Activities such as nature-based skills, crafts, games, expressive arts, and ceremonies, along with solo time on the land, promote transformational learning opportunities and connection. Participants will weave into camp life and community by helping prepare meals and tending our hearth. Join us on a journey of connection and discovery as we explore our unique potential to contribute in a meaningful way.
Join us on this journey of connection and discovery as we explore our unique potential to create change and a more regenerative, interconnected relationship with the world.
Weeklong Summer Overnight
Drop off Sunday, July 28th: 10:30am | Pick up Sunday, August 4th: 4pm
• Crafts
• Song
• Ceremony
• Storytelling
• Plant medicine
• Preparing meals together
• Working with fire, wood, and knives
• Expanding comfort outdoors
• Sit spot / solo time / wandering
• Play and games
• Deepening relationship with the more than human world
• Council
• Movement and embodiment practices
• Dreamwork
Specific bodies of work
• Work that Reconnects: Active Hope and Coming Back to Life by Joanna Macy
• Nature and the Human Soul & Wild Mind (Bill Plotkin and the work of Animas Valley Institute)
• Forest Therapy
• 8 Shields Nature Connection Mentoring
• Expressive Arts Therapies
Registration is open now
Rising Moon youth programming if offered through White Ash Learning Cooperative. Once you have set up an account in the registration system, you can log in anytime to view program details or account information.
In 2024 all participants will join a pre-program preparatory interview. You will be contacted for scheduling within three weeks of registering. We aim to complete interviews by July 1st.
There are weekly and monthly payment plans available for all programing and we use a sliding scale tuition model. To read more about our tuition structure click here.
The vision for Rising Moon programming is a year long immersion, with an extended overnight summer session, a few weekends per year, and single day gatherings to stay connected.
Upcoming Weekends
March 15 – 17
Open to past participants of Rising Moon
Single Day Gatherings
Future Dates TBA
Opportunities for a deeper dive into something specific, such as weaving a basket, learning about plants, the Work that Reconnects, or any other emerging topic that is relevant to the group. These dates will be scheduled as need arises. Some days may be open to caregivers, family and/or the wider community. These gatherings help build relationships within the container of the program, prepare participants for fully diving in each weekend, and make space for deeper exploration of emerging themes and interests.