Explore the mysterious terrain of the underworld
The language of dreams
Is the language of the night.
In sleep, our souls speak
What our tongues cannot.
— Adrienne Rich
An invitation to surrender to the dreamtime atmosphere, encounter the emotions and characters present, enter into conversations with the other than human world, and deepen relationship to mystery. Dreamwork may include reentering the dream with curiosity, dialogue with dream characters, embodying images, symbols, and feelings, expressive movement and art, and invitations to wander in wild places.
Dream Council
Small group sessions
In person or via Zoom
Sliding scale $5 – $35/session
Upcoming dates:
What is Earth dreaming through you?
In the House of Dreams I have seen and heard and known
That which in the waking time I could not know,
Could not have guessed nor divined: even have been
In the uncounted years of the ancient time,
And mingled with the long-forgotten and unknown.
In that secret place there is no night nor day,
No light, no darkness, only the soul awake,
And its vision, clear as the new-born morning’s rays,
Sees the perfect beauty of the soul’s desire,
And hears the perfect music that is peace.
Ah, there is nothing lost that was once ours:
The loves that we have lived, the joys we have dreamed,
Abide in the House of Dreams.
— Fiona MacLeod